newland's VALUES
A High View of God
It is our firm conviction that God is worthy of our worship, our praise, and our very lives. As such we preach a high view of God as is consistently seen throughout the Scriptures ​​
A High View of the Scriptures
Because the Scriptures contain everything that is needed for life and godliness and are themselves God's inerrant and infallible word, we look to the Scriptures as our final guide and authority.
​A Commitment to Expository Preaching
Because God word contains all that is needed for life and Godliness and are divinely given as God's perfect revelation and instruction, we are committed to exposit God's word, verse by verse, and book by book at time.
An Emphasis on the Gospel
The Gospel teaches of God's saving grace through the work of Christ for lost sinners. The Gospel is described as the "power of God for salvation." As such, we emphasize the work of Christ as a sacrifice in our place for our salvation and encourage all to trust in him.​​
Sincerity of Worship
Our emphasis is to seek the heart of worship rather than mere religious formalism. Worship is a lifestyle that extends beyond the Sunday service and we therefore seek to worship God in "spirit and truth" (John 4:23). Through our worship we seek to exalt the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.​
A Heart for the Lost
We believe that Christ's commission to reach the lost is still our great responsibility. It is our endeavor to reach those who do not know Christ with the gospel: "The power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16-17). As such we seek to be evangelistically minded. ​​
Equipping the Saints for the work of Ministry
Each individual Christian is called to be ministers for the gospel and thus we seek to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11-12). This takes place in our Sunday and Wednesday gatherings, times of fellowship, moments of discipleship, and connect homes.
Meaningful Relationships
God has called us not simply to himself but also to his people, the church. We believe that we are called to live life alongside one another, to train and encourage one another in each other's faith (Christian discipleship), to build one another up and bear one another's burdens. Our hope is to establish intentional and meaningful relationships with all that God puts in our path.